Famous Quote For January 14
"It is, that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately."
William Pitt, 1776
January 14 Birthdays
1990 - Grant Gustin
1990 - Kacy Catanzaro
1999 - Kelsey Calemine
1968 - LL Cool J
1966 - Dan Schneider
1969 - Dave Grohl
1994 - Kai
2003 - Jenna Valenzuela
2004 - Mar McCoy
1969 - Jason Bateman
1967 - Carla Facciolo
1982 - Pornsak
1989 - Frankie Sandford
1977 - Yandel
1938 - Jack Jones
1948 - Carl Weathers
2002 - Jericho Vallano
2001 - Ryleigh Ledford
1965 - Slick Rick
1998 - Callan Potter
1741 - Benedict Arnold
More Jan 14 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1976 - Ted Turner, the advertising billboard business icon who would later launch CNN - takes over as the CEO of the Atlanta Braves.

January 14th Holiday

National Forest Conservation Day (Thailand) - Promotes the conservation of national forests and fights against deforestation.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He had a role in the TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the January 14 Birthday Horoscope.

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