After the Spanish-American War was resolved, the U.S. acquired the Philippines and Guam.

America is no stranger to being invested in other countries’ independence. It was during the later 19th century that America got involved with Cuba’s ongoing tumult with Spain. Cuba had been under Spain’s control for over 200 years, and it was a time of revolt, as many South American and Latin American countries broke free from Spain.

On this day, December 10, in 1898, the U.S. acquires the Philippines and Guam. Funny enough, as soon as the U.S. acquired the Philippines, a revolution broke out against the Americans which lasted for 3 years. The Philippines would gain their independence in 1902.

The Japanese conquered Guam during WWII and the people of Guam endured intense hardships of beatings, rapes, and killings from the Japanese before the U.S. re-conquered the territory.  The population of Guam is roughly 160,000.