With cassette being nearly obsolete, Sony takes the Walkman cassette player off the market

Walkman is a brand that Sony named and used for their portable audio cassette players. This name is used to market their audio and video players and other audio devices too. The original Sony Walkman was revolutionary in changing the way people listened to music because it allowed them to carry their music with them and listen through lightweight headphones. The device was first introduced in 1978 and attracted thousands of buyers.

The original Walkmans were low-cost portable stereos that played cassette tapes. Some devices were capable of recording and its quality was comparable to professional audio equipment of the time. Sony’s Walkmen defeated its competitors and is the only auto-reverse Walkman in history to use a specific system that ensures accurate playback speed.

On this day in October 26th, in 2010, the production of Sony’s Walkman came to an end. Manufacturing the product abroad ended first, but then with the increase of MP3 players and CD players, the popularity of the product declined.