The seemingly impenetrable Roman Empire is invaded by Germanic Tribe Alamanni.

The Roman Empire is one of the most extensive and powerful empires the world has ever witnessed.  At one point the Roman Empire controlled 6.5 Million square km of land. The cultural hub for the Roman Empire was in Rome. During 365, civil-war broke out within the Roman Empire when Procopius went up against Valentinian and his brother Valens, whom Valentinian had chosen to be co-emperor with.

On this day January 2nd, in 366, the Roman Empire is invaded by the German Tribe Alamanni. The Alamanni was an alliance of Germanic Tribes, as at this point there was no over-arching ruler, rather many small tribes. These tribes were located by the upper portion of the Rhine River.

Battle would not commence until 367 in the Battle of Solicinium. Valentinian managed to crush the invasion, but took heavy losses as well. The Almanni continued to invade using the Rhine River during the winter when it was frozen over. The Rhine was an important part of the Roman Empire’s defense, and of course its freezing multiple times allowed for the Almanni to invade again in 406.