Robbie Ventura Fights Nolan Ryan

Nolan Ryan had the longest career in baseball history, spanning 27 years from 1966 to 1993.  Ryan was known for his rocket arm, throwing pitches over 100 miles per hour in his youth and 95 miles per hour well into his 40s. Nolan Ryan was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1999 for his arm, but one incident made him well known for his fists.

On this day, August 4th, in 1993, Robin Ventura charged the mound to fight Nolan Ryan after being hit with a fastball.  While most would think the 25 year old Ventura would have the advantage over the 46 year old Ryan, events unfolding in an unexpected way.  Ryan placed Ventura in a headlock and repeatedly punched him in the head until the fight was eventually was broken up.

Nolan Ryan’s “beat-down” of Robin Ventura is one of the most famous images in recent baseball history.  The Texas Rangers have so much pride in Nolan’s feat that the video is shown at the beginning of every home Rangers game to this day.