Pete Rose Banned From Baseball

Pete Rose played his last game of baseball in 1986 and ever since his retirement, it seems that Rose was surrounded with nearly as much controversy as accolades.  In his post-player/manager life, questionable practices by the 3-time World Champion have surfaced that range from tax evasion to gambling.

On this day, August 23rd, in 1989, Pete Rose was banned from Major League Baseball for life.  The lifetime ban came after allegations began to surface that Rose had gambled on Major League games.  Although Rose initially denied the allegations, reports found that Rose bet on more than 50 Cincinnati Reds games with best anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000.

By accepting the lifetime ban, Major League Baseball agreed not to make any formal findings in the investigation.  Perhaps the most damaging result of the Rose’s gambling controversy is that players on the ineligible list are also excluded from the Hall of Fame.