Lithuania is the first Soviet Republic to break away from the Soviet Union and Communism when it declares independence.

Lithuania is located in Northern Europe and borders Latvia, Belarus, Poland, and Russia. Lithuania has a long history spanning back over 2000 thousand years, but in the 20th century its place was in the Soviet Union.

On this day March 11th, in 1990, Lithuania would break out from under the control of the Soviet Union. In doing so Lithuania became the first Soviet Republic to discontinue its ties with communism. The Lithuanian government signed the Act of the Re-establishment of the State of Lithuania, whereby it was insisted that Lithuania had never given up its original aspirations for democracy and freedom from the post WWII 1940’s act.

Lithuania has a population of 3.2 million (Circa 2011). Prior to the global financial crisis which hit heavily in 2008, Lithuania had one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union. Its largest city if Vilnius with a population of about half a million. Lithuania is said to have the most homogenous population of all the Baltic States, or in layman’s terms, people there come from the same background. It’s said that most of its population (83%) are ethnically Lithuanians and have a history stretching back to medieval times.