After spending $27,000,000 in fortifying efforts, the Leaning Tower of Pisa reopens to the public – drastically increasing its tourist appeal

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a famous symbol of Italy. Featured on pizza boxes and tacky tourist items, the Leaning Tower is a recognizable image and a must-see for tourists in Tuscany.

It was on this day, December 15th, in 2005 that the Leaning Tower of Pisa reopened to the public. The repairs cost a total of $27,000,000 in fortifying efforts.

Once allowing visitors to climb up to the top, the Leaning Tower was closed in 1990 because of concerns about the building’s stability. The tilt was corrected by 45 centimeters, but the tower still looks the same to the naked eye. The tower had begun to sink because the foundation was set on sandy soil. Despite these costly renovation efforts, the tower is still not completely safe. Visitor number caps and smaller tour group regulations have been set in order to reduce the stress on the structure.