At the peak of a weeklong heat wave, temperatures hit 108 degrees in Philadelphia and New York City!

It happened to be that year, of all years, both the Democratic Party Convention and Republican Party Convention decided to hold in Philadelphia during the boiling summer. More than 100 people alone at the Democratic Convention Party had to seek medical aid for dehydration.  What’s the rule at parties? Always stay hydrated.

On this day August 26, in 1948, after days of heat wave, the numbers finally hit the roof at 108 degrees Fahrenheit.

When temperatures get hot, the crazy comes out. Officials worried that  so much heat would cause some issues. So they decided to take action: they sanctioned that water hydrants could be opened to cool off the citizens of the cities. Many people in New York City decided to head for the beach instead of enduring the heat in non-air conditioned homes. Oh yes, air conditioning wasn’t the way it is now. So be thankful while you’re reading this!