The World’s Fair in Brussels

Brussels was a frequent host to past World’s Fairs, the latest one before Expo 58 being in 1935. Yet still there was a lot of forward-looking, as this was to be the first one held after WW II and in the midst of a newer, colder conflict. Brussels also cancelled its independence celebrations held each quarter-century to focus efforts on the World’s Fair Expo just three years later. By all accounts, their focus made it a success, with pavillions by Czechoslovakia and Mexico among the most notable.

On this day, October 19, in 1958, after a six-month run, the World’s Fair in Brussels closed.

The American pavillion at Expo 58 featured “America the Beautiful” — the first Disney exhibit outside of its theme parks. Only the second film made in Walt Disney’s “Circarama” style, which presented footage in a wraparound 360 degree screen, it took viewers on a trip through various parts of the U.S.