In the evening, Christopher Columbus begins his famed journey in which he discovers America.

Behind the legend of Christopher Columbus lies a mystery. His first journey is surrounded by enigma which historians still debate. Earlier that year, in 1492, the Spanish Expulsion of Jews was passed into law; however it was not until July 30th of that year that the expulsion actually took place. It certainly was a time of turmoil.

On this day August 3rd, in 1492, Christopher Columbus begins his first voyage across the Atlantic and discovers America, amongst many other locations. This voyage took place a mere three days after the Jewish expulsion. Many theorists discredit this notion and instead say that his family was from Genoa, none the less it is interesting that the voyage which forever changed history set off during such an important time.

Columbus set sail with three ships : Santa Maria, Pinta, and the Nina.  During this voyage he came across the Bahamas, Cuba, and of course North America. He captured a number of Natives, of which only 7-8 survived, and brought them back to Spain. While so many people feared his falling off the edge of the world, Columbus proved the world is round and initiated the colonization of the Americas.