Auschwitz sign stolen

There was nothing particularly insidious about the sign, save for the origins. Above the gates of Auschwitz (and similar ones were found around other camps) it hung, reading “Arbeit Macht Frei” – work will set you free. Undoubtedly an ironic statement, given the tragedies perpetrated inside the camp walls, but far less potent as a symbol of anything. Nevertheless, a gang of thieves carried out a meticulous operation to remove the sign one dark night.

On this day, December 18, in 2009, the metal sign embedded into the gate at Auschwitz was stolen, by persons unknown. Guards discovered the theft soon after, seeing it unscrewed on one side and ripped out on another.

The thieves got two days to enjoy the fruits of their crime before they were discovered in northern Poland, the sign – now in three pieces – recovered. Five men were arrested, with three convicted, sentenced to 18 months of prison, and two more pending charges upon the extradition of a neo-nazi implicated in the case. Their motives remained unclear, but their act did nothing to change the legacy of the camp.