Famous Quote For January 9
"We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all our citizens, whatever their background."
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1940
January 9 Birthdays
2001 - Blake Gray
1998 - Brent Rivera
1989 - Nina Dobrev
1986 - Wengie
1982 - Kate Middleton
1973 - Sean Paul
2014 - Jackson Mecham
1997 - Lauryn McClain
1989 - Cody Carson
1995 - Nicola Peltz
1944 - Jimmy Page
1913 - Richard Nixon
1994 - Elijah Daniel
1973 - Julie Chrisley
1990 - Kevin Ghost
2001 - Avery Christine
1998 - Kerris Dorsey
1993 - Ashley Argota
2004 - Trinity-Jayne Mullen
1955 - JK Simmons
1967 - Dave Matthews
More Jan 9 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1958 - Toyota makes its first ever appearance in the United States at the Imported Motor Car Show in Los Angeles, California

January 9th Holiday

Martyr's Day (Panama) - Commemorates 1964 riots in the Panama Canal Zone

Today's Birthday Trivia

He ran a ballroom dancing school in Kent, England. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the January 9 Birthday Horoscope.

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