Famous Quote For March 5
"Spending freeze is what made the Depression 'Great.'"
Rachel Maddow, 2009
March 5 Birthdays
1999 - Madison Beer
1980 - Shay Carl Butler
2001 - Liddlenique
1992 - Alx James
1996 - Taylor Marie Hill
1989 - Sterling Knight
1996 - Mario Bautista
2000 - Julian Fulian
1974 - Eva Mendes
2002 - Lucas Triana
1983 - Chase Gilroy
1978 - Papoose
1982 - Dan Carter
1990 - Alana Blanchard
1963 - Joel Osteen
1898 - Misao Okawa
1994 - Aislinn Paul
1997 - Kirby Minnick
1997 - FUNKe
1970 - John Frusciante
2000 - Kaziah
More March 5 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1868 - Stapler patented in England by C H Gould

March 5th Holiday

Honor Lei Feng Day (China) - Honors Lei Feng, who is a model of selflessness and modesty in Chinese society.

Today's Birthday Trivia

She starred in Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers as Michelle Seaver. Who is she?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the March 5 Birthday Horoscope.

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