Famous Quote For February 25
"I knew I had him in the first round. I want everyone to bear witness, I am the greatest!"
Muhammad Ali, 1964
February 25 Birthdays
1986 - Tony Perry
2003 - Case Walker
1997 - Isabelle Fuhrman
1992 - Joe Santagato
1991 - Tony Oller
1943 - George Harrison
1949 - Ric Flair
1984 - Dutchess Lattimore
1986 - Justin Berfield
2000 - Kamryn Beck
1986 - James Phelps
1986 - Oliver Phelps
1992 - Amy Ruffle
2001 - Lovevie
1981 - Shahid Kapoor
1997 - Eric Osborne
1971 - Sean Astin
1976 - Rashida Jones
1966 - Tea Leoni
1975 - Chelsea Handler
2000 - Ricky Reacts
More Feb 25 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1836 - Samuel Colt obtains a U.S. patent for the Colt Revolver - the Colt name would become famous as one of the most widely used weapons in the 19th century.

February 25th Holiday

People Power Day (Philippines) - In remembrance of the 1986 revolution that restored democracy in the Philippines.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He had a role in the TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the February 25 Birthday Horoscope.

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