Famous Quote For February 23
"The proper role of the judiciary is one of interpreting and applying the law, not making it."
Sandra Day O'Connor, 1984
February 23 Birthdays
2000 - Jenna Arend
1994 - Dakota Fanning
1983 - Emily Blunt
2000 - Clay LaBrant
1991 - Azzyland
1998 - Darian Orlando
1981 - Josh Gad
1987 - Sarah Urie
1966 - Mia Michaels
2000 - Julian Martel
1983 - Aziz Ansari
1997 - Kasey McKellar
1992 - Nikki Blackketter
1995 - Andrew Wiggins
1986 - Skylar Grey
1999 - Nyema
1996 - Carl Chaze
1967 - Simone Whitmore
1990 - Jeniffer Morel
1994 - Cameron Palatas
1995 - Oliver Kirby
More Feb 23 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1886 - Charles Martin Hall produces the first samples of man-made aluminum.

February 23rd Holiday

Red Army Day - Celebrated by former Soviet Countries to honor the revolutionary "red" army.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He once worked for a Dutch gaming publication titled Power Unlimited. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the February 23 Birthday Horoscope.

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