Famous Quote For December 22
"Think of your forefathers! Think of your posterity!"
John Quincy Adams, 1802
December 22 Birthdays
1993 - Meghan Trainor
1999 - Tanner Fox
1998 - G Hannelius
1998 - Miss Mulatto
1996 - Nate Garner
1980 - Lee Eun-ju
1970 - Ted Cruz
1989 - Jordin Sparks
1982 - Mistico
2004 - Bryce Gheisar
1962 - Ralph Fiennes
2003 - Neel Sethi
1999 - Jaden Adonis
1997 - Denzel Dion
1996 - Deighlah Champion
2005 - Jessalyn Pearl Hall
1995 - Hennessy Carolina
1982 - Natalie Guercio
1996 - Joao Constancia
1990 - Tasie Lawrence
1995 - Remy Thorne
More Dec 22 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1851 - The first freight train is operated in India.

December 22nd Holiday

Unity Day (Zimbabwe) - Celebrates the unity of modern day Zimbabwe.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He is an acclaimed stage actor and appeared in many plays with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the December 22 Birthday Horoscope.

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