Famous Quote For August 18
"The laboring classes constitute the main part of our population."
Grover Cleveland, 1882
August 18 Birthdays
1995 - LeafyIsHere
1993 - Maia Mitchell
1988 - G Dragon
1984 - Chad Alan
1999 - Talia Castellano
1994 - Samantha Grecchi
1952 - Patrick Swayze
2001 - Matthew Taylor
1978 - Andy Samberg
2003 - Max Charles
1990 - Anna Akana
2001 - Piinksparkles0818
1998 - Alan Poulos
1999 - Louie Castro
1997 - Essence Nicole Smith
1969 - Edward Norton
1985 - Nick28T
1983 - Mika
1934 - Roberto Clemente
2002 - Murray Rundus
1936 - Robert Redford
More Aug 18 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

2011 - Gold hits all-time high price at $1,826 per ounce.

August 18th Holiday

Long Tan Day (Australia) - Honors Australian soldiers who fought in the Battle of Long Tan against the Viet Cong on August 18, 1966.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He ran a ballroom dancing school in Kent, England. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the August 18 Birthday Horoscope.

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